Children Of Amargosa Returns

Children of Amargosa/Gimme ShelterI’ve pulled back the Amargosa Trilogy (plus one). Now, The Children of Amargosa is nearly ready.

Childhood ends the night the sky explodes. Davra Andraste is thrown from that very explosion down to Amargosa as her space station home vanishes in a fireball. With the help of a young cadet named Eric Yuwono, she will cross a continent to escape an alien race known as the Gelt.

JT Austin comes face to face with those same Game only hours after witnessing the station’s destruction from the ground. He and Lizzy Parker find Lizzy’s family farm destroyed. They flee for the woods only to find the war has followed them.

JT will meet up with Davra and Yuwono, along with a pair of mischievous teens, to become part of the resistance. They survive with help from a mysterious pilot called “Suicide.”

The Children of Amargosa is now paired with the novella Gimme Shelter.

JT Austin flees his parents’ gilded cage on Earth, hoping to make his fortune elsewhere. A prank lands him on Amargosa, a quiet farming colony benignly neglected by its parent world, Mars. JT’s parents strand him on the Parker family farm to teach him a lesson. In his short time, he becomes a man, catches the eye of a farmer’s daughter, and stumbles onto a conspiracy involving the constable of a neighboring township. He suspects someone is putting Amargosa in the crosshairs of an alien invasion. And the conspiracy may reach all the way back home.

The expanded Children of Amargosa, paired with Gimme Shelter, will debut in Kindle and paperback on October 15. But you can preorder the Kindle version now!