This is the twenty-fourth episode of No Marigolds in the Promised Land, a serialized Compact Universe novella. To get the entire…
If you’re looking for The Children of Amargosa and can’t find it, there’s a good reason for that. I’m taking…
So I worked on converting Quantonesia into The Amortals. Aaaaand it’s not really becoming something new. Fortunately, I sent the original off…
At the start of the year, I promised myself I would write three novellas (then a fourth) and two novels.…
Second Wave is Book 2 of The Amargosa Trilogy. Book 1, The Children of Amargosa, will be rereleased by Clayborn Press in…
Last week, I signed a contract with Clayborn Press to publish the Compact Universe series, including all existing stories, the…
This is the twenty-second episode of No Marigolds in the Promised Land, a serialized Compact Universe novella. To get the entire…
Second Wave – Book 2 of the Amargosa Trilogy, is currently 99 cents on Kindle. Hurry, before I decide I…
It is over. It is finished. It is done. Well, as a screenplay, it’s done. It was an interesting experience.…
Last week was the free promo for Second Wave. If you downloaded it and read it, please leave an honest review…