Rod Serling had been gone a few years when four directors hit on the idea of bringing one of the…
Peter Strauss gets all Han Solo on your ass…
In my early weekend beer drinking adventures, I caught this on HBO in the mid-1980s. It’s best watched chemically enhanced.…
The original trilogy. Long before everyone started complaining.
About the only thing this is remembered for is introducing Richard Moll, aka Bull from Night Court. Usually gets confused with Krull,…
Let’s get this out of the way. Solo was what a Star Wars movie should be. It was fun. It had…
Stephen King’s novel comes to the big screen with Christopher Walken as Johnny Smith, a man who comes out of…
Natalie Wood’s last movie, where she and Christopher, Walken, discover, how, to, record, memories, directly, from, the, brain.
Because whenever you think science fiction, you think “Scott Baio!”