This is the 14th installment of No Marigolds in the Promised Land. To get the full story, go here for details on how…
The end is near. If I’m lucky, I’ll have finished No Marigolds in the Promised Land by the time you read this.…
I plan to have the follow-up to The Children of Amargosa ready to go in time for you all to…
Out of all the things I’ve done since going self-pub, covers have been the toughest part. Why? Well, I’m not…
Well, this wasn’t a good week. I had expected to be close to the end by Friday. And then we…
This is the 13th installment of No Marigolds in the Promised Land. To get the full story, go here for details…
Nathan Hystad has now produced three trilogies following humanity’s reach out to the stars. The first two, Explorations: First Contact and Explorations:…
I may get this done before Halloween! No, seriously! It’ll need a lot of revision, which is good news if…
They are not the most popular monarchs in British history, especially in America. Queen Elizabeth II has even expressed disdain…
Getting into the home stretch. As this is Compact Universe #0, I need to set up some aspects of the…