The second installment of The Amargosa Trilogy, Second Wave, will be released on February 28. The live launch event has been rescheduled…
When veteran astronaut Scott Kelly was selected for NASA’s first year-long mission in orbit, he opted to read the book Endurance:…
This is the nineteenth episode of No Marigolds in the Promised Land, a serialized Compact Universe novella. To get the entire…
Full disclosure: I nearly submitted to this anthology, but I was working on getting a draft of No Marigolds in the…
Second Wave is the second book of The Amargosa Trilogy. It will debut on February 28 with a live launch event…
In Sapiens, historian Yuval Noah Harari recounts the history of Earth’s most dominant species. History began, he asserted, with the cognitive…
This is the eighteenth episode of No Marigolds in the Promised Land, a serialized Compact Universe novella. To get the entire…
Most people say that history began 10,000 years ago, when humans began writing things down. If Ancient Aliens is to be…
This is the sixteenth episode of No Marigolds in the Promised Land, a serialized Compact Universe novella. To get the entire…