This is the twenty-first episode of No Marigolds in the Promised Land, a serialized Compact Universe novella. To get the entire…
The Wire was a landmark television show that aired alongside The Sopranos and Deadwood on HBO. Along with SciFi’s (now Syfy) Battlestar Galactica,…
Second Wave is free this week on Kindle. When we meet Davra Andraste in The Children of Amargosa, she is…
Second Wave is Book 2 of The Amargosa Trilogy. When we first meet JT Austin, he’s a snot-nosed rich kid…
The Apollo program captured the world’s imagination. And it seemed to all that a golden age of human exploration had…
When The Children of Amargosa ends, kilometer-wide saucers are moving across the sky, a la V. Only aliens are not going to step…
I’ll admit. Chuck Wendig’s style is an acquired taste. His first Star Wars novel Aftermath is written in present tense. That…
Today marks the debut of Second Wave, Book 2 of The Amargosa Trilogy. A starship has fallen from the sky in…
The Compact Universe. The Amargosa Trilogy. What’s the difference? Are they two separate series? Well, let’s put it this way.…
After this week, I am really glad I did not make Duffy a POV character. I am now juggling five…