This is the twenty-third episode of No Marigolds in the Promised Land, a serialized Compact Universe novella. To get the entire…
Starring Kurt Russell, 1982’s The Thing is actually not a remake of the 1951 movie set at a NORAD base in…
At the start of the year, I promised myself I would write three novellas (then a fourth) and two novels.…
Second Wave is Book 2 of The Amargosa Trilogy. Book 1, The Children of Amargosa, will be rereleased by Clayborn Press in…
Last week, I signed a contract with Clayborn Press to publish the Compact Universe series, including all existing stories, the…
This is the twenty-second episode of No Marigolds in the Promised Land, a serialized Compact Universe novella. To get the entire…
Best. Star Trek. Movie. Evah!
Most books about NASA focus on the trailblazing programs like Mercury and Apollo. They talk about the moonwalkers and the…
The sand under the publishing landscape is constantly shifting under our feet. In 2008, we were told traditional publishing was…