About TS Hottle
TS Hottle is a science fiction writer originally from Cleveland. By night, he writes, cooks, and fights with a cat named Tearyon. Sometimes, he wins against the cat, but not often. By day, he is a software developer.
For fifteen years, he wrote crime fiction under the name Jim Winter. Now he has returned to his first love, science fiction He has created The Compact Universe, a series of loosely connected space opera tales centered around humans' disastrous first contact with a species known as the Gelt.
He lives in the Cincinnati suburb of Deer Park with his wife Candy. When not writing or cooking, they both can be found fixing up their Cape Cod. Which has a deck. Which makes TS very happy.

The Compact Reader
11 tales from the present day to the events of the Suicide Arc, beginning with the origin of Steven Turing, aka Tol Germanicus. We see the crime that haunts Germanicus to this day and the fall of the original Gelt homeworld. Find out who the Grays really are and what happened to a new Sovereign.
Contains the novellas Gimme Shelter, Among Wolves, and Winter Games.
At an alien orbital city, a mysterious Gelt woman makes Connor Duffy an offer he can't refuse: Free her from an abusive employer and take possession of a device that can move ships over light-years instantly.
But her employer doesn't want to let her or her discovery go. And the aliens who invented the device? They want it back.
Duffy will have to enlist all the Children of Amargosa to get through this.
After Amargosa
Seven stories depicting the Children of Amargosa's "gap year" between the liberation and the start of the Suicide Arc.
JT sees a ghost. Davra saves mean girls aboard a dying spaceship. Duffy hacks technology at MIT. Eric Yuwono learns the Gelt aren't leaving now that they're refugees instead of conquerors. Ellie Nardino is no longer a rebel leader nor a teenager and needs direction. Mitsuko Yamato deals with squid people--and a marriage proposal.
Check out the Compact Universe
The Compact Universe and The Amargosa Trilogy are TS Hottle's science fiction universe, space opera in the grand tradition of Neal Asher, David Weber, and plenty of Game of Thrones thrown in for good measure. (Except for the dragons. For now.)